
Showing posts from July, 2023

What Should You Do if You Witness a Beehive on Your Property?

Bees are among the most commonly found pests in properties. As much as you want to eliminate their hives and kill them, that's not the best solution! Instead, carefully removing a beehive can be the ideal alternative. If you cite a beehive around your property, here are the steps you should take - Do Not Provoke the Bees The number rule is never to disturb bees in their beehive. They will not cause you any threat unless they feel threatened by your maneuvers. It is usually ideal to call professional pest control in Frankston as soon as you find a beehive in or around your property. Determine the Source It is essential to see where the bees are coming from. Whether they come from outside or inside, where their hive is, etc., it is also essential to see if their hive could cause structural damage, for example, if they build a colony on your sidings. Many bees have likely established a home inside your walls if you hear buzzing noises. Call an expert   bee control in Narre Warre